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Developing Winning Science Projects for ExploraVision


Simple steps. Immeasurable impact.

The ExploraVision competition for K-12 students engages the next generation in real world problem solving with a strong emphasis on STEM. ExploraVision challenges students envision and communicate new technology 10 or more years in the future through collaborative brainstorming and research of current science and technology.

How can we start and incorporate in your classroom? Read up on what needs to be done on ExploraVision Brochure, review ExploraVision Standard project components for grades 4-12 while going over this page, and cross reference with project development timeline (attached below).

Step 1: Online Registration and Team Assignment.

Register a teacher as a coach and each team online. A teacher can submit as many team projects as you want under you as a coach. Remember, if you enter the most eligible entries in a grade category, you could win a science technology gift.

Step 2: Brainstorming.

Get your students excited by asking what matters to them, showing examples of past projects, and then ask them to name existing technologies that they would like to explore. Then form teams and give students a deadline to choose a topic. You can also click here for thought starters or watch below on brainstorming for more tips.

Step 3: Get to know the subject.

This is your opportunity to teach students about different research methods and how to utilize research sources and create a bibliography. You can start by leading a group discussion on interesting topics and what is already known about the technologies and share various sources that can be used such as magazines, the Web and books while motivating them. Based on their research, each student should write a timeline and a summary of one or more topics to research. You may then wish to help your students find a mentor who fits the team and its idea. To find a mentor, please contact exploravision@nsta.org.

Step 4: Understand technological change.

In this step each team will present examples in front of the class. You will then lead a discussion about each technology and how it could evolve over time. Working in teams, students will come up with ideas about how their technologies could change in 10 or more years, analyzing the consequences of their future technologies and the breakthroughs necessary to achieve them. For homework, you can assign your students to refine drafts of their team’s “Future Technology and Breakthroughs” project section.

Step 5: Test the idea.

After all of their hard work, your teams will present their future technologies to the class. It’s important to encourage students to consider the pros and cons of their visions. For homework you can assign your students to work on the “Consequences” section.

Step 6: Present the project.

Now you will help your students prepare the project entries and draw up plans for the sample Web pages, including images of future technologies. For homework you can assign students to complete all sections of the description and begin to write the abstract and bibliography.

Step 7: Final look.

Look over everything with a careful eye and then make any necessary last-minute revisions before you submit your student teams’ projects via online. Don’t let your students’ hard work go to waste. Every year, some projects are disqualified as a result of not going through the project rules carefully.

Once you complete, just wait for your prize to arrive. Everyone will receive a prize!

Step 8: Revisions and Submission.

Submit projects online


Student Resources

Success beyond a winning science project

Students: ExploraVision offers you the chance to take the technologies you’re already interested in and turn them into a project you can be proud of. You can imagine anything you’ve ever wanted and think outside the box! We’re here to help you learn how to turn your excitement and ideas into success. Not only will the tools here will help guide you in the competition, but also in taking what you learn into the real world.