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ExploraVision and ChatGPT


Brainstorming process and ChatGPT

The Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision Head Judge and Co-Creator, Dr. Arthur Eisenkraft on the use of ChatGPT in the brainstorming process.  How can support your student innovations with the use of ChatGPT ?


  1. ChatGPT as a Tool, not a Source of Answers: Teachers emphasized that ChatGPT should be used as a tool to generate ideas and stimulate discussions, but not as a definitive source for answers. It should be used to enhance and clarify students’ original ideas rather than replace them.
  2. Initial Brainstorming without ChatGPT: A common suggestion is to start the brainstorming process without ChatGPT to allow students’ original ideas to come forth without external influence.
  3. ChatGPT as a Discussion Partner: After students have generated their own ideas, ChatGPT can be introduced as a discussion partner. Students can compare and contrast their ideas with ChatGPT’s responses, identifying the originality of their ideas and potentially expanding upon them.
  4. Critical Evaluation and Research: Students should critically evaluate the information provided by ChatGPT, fact-checking and verifying its suggestions through reputable sources.
  5. Educating Students about AI Limitations: Teachers emphasized the importance of informing students about the limitations of AI, including potential errors made by ChatGPT.
  6. Promoting Creative Thinking: Teachers suggested fostering an environment where creativity and original thinking are valued. They recommended questioning the capabilities of technology compared to humans to ensure students’ personal touch in their work.
  7. One strategy proposed involves Brainstorming (students discussing the problem), Chatting (posing the problem to ChatGPT), and Discussing (comparing and contrasting their ideas with ChatGPT’s).
  8. ChatGPT as a Planning Tool: ChatGPT can also be used to help with planning and pacing meetings.
  9. Exploring Complex Problems: ChatGPT can help students explore complex, transformational issues like climate change, pollution, and conflict.
  10. Building Initial Connections: Teachers suggested that ChatGPT should be seen as a tool for understanding the breadth of a topic rather than its depth. It can provide initial connections and avenues to explore, but should not be relied upon for deeper insights.
  11. Avoiding Shortcut Temptations: Teachers warned against using AI to simply complete tasks quickly at the expense of creativity and learning. Students should engage with problems first, before using ChatGPT for assistance.
  12. In general, the teachers advised viewing ChatGPT as an assistant to learning, rather than a shortcut to answers. Students should be encouraged to think creatively, critically, and independently, using the technology to facilitate their learning process rather than bypass it.

NOTES:  We use ChatGPT as a shorthand for any “large language models” such as ChatGPT from Open AI, Bard from Google, Cohere, PaLM, etc.
* More in-depth video about ChatGPT use for brainstorming, please contact exploravision@nsta.org.