Using the right resources is one of the most important steps in completing your ExploraVision project. In addition, using credible resources is very important. Below you’ll find a list of the best places to look.
There are thousands of websites related to invention and technology. Google or Yahoo! will return long lists of websites but be careful with what you find because many will contain unreliable information. Your school librarian can help you narrow your searches to produce better results. In addition, your school library probably subscribes to powerful online databases that you will not find on the open Internet. Many large companies have websites with information about their products. Even product instruction guides can contain helpful descriptions of technology. Many universities and invention-oriented groups also have online presences with all kinds of useful information.
The Skype a Scientist program gives scientists and students in k-12 classrooms the opportunity to connect via video chat in for a 30 to 60 minute session, in a Q&A-style format.
School libraries provide rich science-related resources both in print and online. Work with your school librarian to find the resources that best meet your needs. This is a great place to start looking for books and periodicals and also use the Internet.
You can search both your school library and the public library for this precious resource. Work with a librarian or a mentor (community scientists or family member) to search for books and podcasts that relate to your topic.
Periodicals and podcasts are full of scholarly articles and stories on a range of scientific topics such as American Heritage of Invention and Science Technology, Smithsonian, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Scientific American, Science Friday and Science. Head to the library and work with the librarian to find periodicals or podcasts related to your topic.
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