Our students are the future. They are the ones who will be working with the technology we have today, and they’re the ones who will invent the technology we’ll use tomorrow.
We want to give them the tools they need to explore their imaginations and understand how technology works.
That’s why we created ExploraVision—a STEM competition for K-12 students that encourages them to combine their imagination with their knowledge of science and technology to explore visions for the future.
Teams of 2-4 students select a technology, research how it works, learn why it was invented, and then predict how that technology may change in the future. They identify what “breakthroughs” are required for their idea to become a reality and describe the positive and negative consequences of their technology on society. The students write a paper and draw a series of web pages to describe and communicate their idea.*
Finalists make a visual poster (for K-3 grades) and an actual website (for 4-12 grades), as well as a prototype of their future vision.