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National science competition for K–12 students


Imagine the future 20 years from today. What buildings and other structures or transportation will be around? How will people get around? What kind of new technologies will be available? And how will they be used to help society solve its biggest problems?

In ExploraVision, a two-prong competition series for middle and high school students, participating teams are tasked with imagining what the future may hold. And then, they must communicate their ideas in a poster, speech, Public Service Announcement.

ExploraVision is a Science Competition that enagages the next generation in real world problem solving with a strong emphasis on STEM.

Students are encouraged to think outside the box and consider what impact their chosen technology might have on society as well as how it will evolve over time. They must also consider what scientific breakthroughs will be needed to make their vision a reality and how we could achieve these breakthroughs in the near future or far into the future.

Teachers Download Free Lesson Plans For K-12 Students