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Explore a vision of a future technology


ExploraVision is a science competition for K–12 students of all interest, skill, and ability levels. The competition encourages students to combine their imaginations with the tools of science to create and explore a vision of a future technology. Students work in groups of two, three or four, and are guided by a team coach and an optional mentor. Each team selects a technology, or an aspect of a technology, which is present in the home, school, or community, or any other technology relevant to their lives. They will explore what the technology does, how it works, and how, when, and why it was invented. The students must then project into the future what that technology could be like 10 or more years in the future and determine what scientific breakthroughs need to occur to make it a reality.

ExploraVision offers an opportunity for participants to work on research projects with scientists at leading research institutions across Canada. This program connects students with researchers who are working on cutting edge technologies within their field of expertise so they can learn more about science while doing research that matters!

Teachers Download Free Lesson Plans For K-12 Students