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A Cure for Chronic Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection


Although most people know that tobacco is the most common cause of cancer, not many realize that Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) is the second greatest carcinogen in the world. In fact, almost 300 million people worldwide are chronically infected with HBV, with ~ 50% of them unaware of their HBV status. A novel, curative medicine for HBV would not only save hundreds of millions of lives, but also resolve a massive public health crisis, with significant social and economic benefits. Our therapeutic will be a one-time cure for HBV containing a CRISPR-Cas9 cocktail specific to the genes for HBx (an important protein coded by the HBV genome) and NTCP (the receptor used by HBV to enter a patient’s liver cell) using lipid nanoparticles targeted to the liver. Inhibiting HBx and NTCP with CRISPR-Cas9 will eliminate the virus from infected liver cells and cure patients with a single delivery.

Project website: https://nstawebdirector.wixsite.com/hepativir-b

Check out one of the team members’ advice and anecdotes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L69lSh9yfcc