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ExploraVision Regional Fair Competition Winners



Region 1

Janita Files, Jacob Boxer, Grace Bartasi, Jessica Risalvato (Coach)
Invasive Species Eradicator (ISE)

The Invasive Species Eradicator (ISE) is a drone designed to detect invasive species and inject pesticides or herbicides into their nervous systems or roots while limiting negative impact on the surrounding ecosystems. It is a battery operated drone with computer vision, sensors, and a search engine. It will eradicate invasive species, and by strengthening native trees, enable them to generate more oxygen. Climate change will slow, as will ozone layer depletion because of this. ISE can work 24/7, requiring only a landing bay where it autonomously performs simple repairs, refills pesticides or herbicides, and changes its battery.

The Invasive Species Eradicator Website

Region 2

Front: Deddahy Baba, Yahya Eyow, Yasmin Zahr, Hanneen Faris; Back: Alla Taha (mentor), Loubna Elhelu (coach)
NanoVaders: A Solution to Toxic Blue-Green Algae Blooms

Current methods of controlling blue-green algae (BGA) in water resources are not efficient or sustainable. In this project, we focus on harmful blue green algal blooms to show how nanobiotechnology can be used to understand our environment and its interactions with harmful organisms such as cyanobacteria and allow for pollutant or chemical detection with improved sensitivity. Our NanoVaders are designed using  iron oxide nanoparticles, because they have been shown to be effective at absorbing phosphates and other water contaminants. The NanoVaders will sense chemicals released by the harmful algae, detect the presence of nitrates and phosphates in the water, and absorb these chemicals to prevent the growth of cyanobacteria. It will also be 100% energy efficient, eco-friendly, chemical-free, and affordable.

The NanoVaders website

Region 3

Lars Erik Wiik, Miles Selznick, Jennifer O’Sullivan (Coach), Spencer Frankel
The Replenishanator

The Replenishanator helps with deforestation using technology to improve the replanting process. The Replenishanator utilizes a modified drone with a pressurized seed gun to carry a smart seedling for planting to help reforest the planet. The smart seedlings are encapsulated in a pod containing everything needed to optimize the seedling’s ability to be successfully planted. The Replenishanator will be loaded with other technologies allowing for additional research and improvements. The Replenishanator will help the environment and address climate change.

The Replenishanator website

Region 4

Gurraina Brar, Harita Dilip, Josephine Strelka, Sharon Hushek (Coach)

We invented a pair of glasses and a watch for people with epilepsy. Our glasses are made of FL-41, polycarbonate, and blue-tinted glass. Our glasses help prevent you from having a seizure, a seizure can be triggered by flashing bright lights. Our watch is made out of everything you would find in a fit bit, plus a VNS therapy, an EEG monitor, and a little green tab that pops up when something is very badly wrong with your body.

The EpiKit website

Region 5

Laura Powell (Coach), John Defazio, Evan Greer

Food insecurity is a dangerous problem in our world. Evo-On is a fast food 3-D printer. It is a play on the word oven. A set of Pods carrying healthy, nutritious, protein-type food along with an Evo-On 3-D printer will be placed in areas of food deserts around the United States. Bringing food to starving people through Evo-On is one answer to help with food insecurity.

The Evo-On website

Region 6

Maureen Foelkl (Coach); Esau Segura, Audrey Wiegal, Jonathan Barra,Claire Stout
Fungi Plastivore Purifier

Polyurethane is hazardous as it breaks down in soil. Fungi Plastivore Purifier (FPP), uses advanced LIDAR technology for detecting plastic in areas and harnessing solar energy as it hovers, so it won’t damage or destroy an environment. FPP stores 5D printed hemp capsules filled with Pestalotiopsis microspora (PM). Then, using a compression system to insert capsules into the ground, FPP releases capsules at the correct GPS coordinates and soil depth to degrade polyurethane, turning it into organic matter. FPP cleans and purifies our soil, leading to healthier food and water ecosystems while preventing serious illnesses in an environmentally safe way. 

The Fungi Plastivore Purifier website