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Introducing the Pioneering Project From Grade 4-6 National 2nd Place Winner of 2023 ExploraVision: ER Assistant Revolutionizing Emergency Room Wait Times


We are delighted to announce the remarkable achievement of our Grade 4-6 National 2nd Place Winners in the prestigious 2023 ExploraVision science competition. These young innovators have captivated us with their groundbreaking project, showcasing their creativity, scientific prowess and dedication. Let’s delve into the impressive journey of this exceptional team and discover the remarkable solution they have crafted to tackle real-world challenges.

As emergency room (ER) wait times continue to escalate, patients nowadays are facing longer delays and increased risks. With the average wait time in 2022 reaching a staggering 21.3 hours, well beyond the target of 8 hours, urgent action is needed to address this critical issue. Despite existing efforts, traditional solutions have failed to yield significant improvements. However, a pioneering invention called the ER Assistant offers a promising approach to alleviate the strain on ERs and enhance patient experience. In the quest to reduce ER wait times, the ER Assistant operates independently, eliminating the need for constant nurse assistance. Let’s go deeper on how this cutting-edge device has the capability to perform fully automated blood tests, measure blood pressure, and conduct ultrasounds, all in one integrated system.

The Stress-Reducing Blood Pressure Testing Device:
One challenge in accurately measuring blood pressure in the ER is patient stress, which can alter the results. Stress triggers the amygdala, leading to elevated glucose levels, increased heart rate, and heightened blood flow to the muscles. To mitigate this, the ER Assistant utilizes an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered “human” figure displayed on a screen. This visual representation helps to calm patients by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, thus reducing stress levels and enabling more accurate blood pressure readings.

Vein Detector for Enhanced Venipuncture:
Finding veins for blood tests or IV insertion can be a time-consuming and challenging process, further contributing to ER wait times. The ER Assistant incorporates a vein detector that emits near-infrared light into the body, analyzing the reflections from surrounding tissues to highlight veins. This innovative technology enables medical professionals to locate veins more efficiently, leading to smoother venipuncture procedures and minimizing patient discomfort.

Advanced Blood Analysis:
The ER Assistant employs sophisticated blood analysis techniques to provide comprehensive diagnostic information. The machine analyzes blood cells’ response to light, shedding light on various physiological indicators. Additionally, a centrifuge is used to separate blood components, allowing for in-depth analysis of specific elements. These advanced methods enhance the accuracy and speed of diagnostic processes, aiding medical professionals in making informed decisions regarding patient care.

In the face of escalating ER wait times and their detrimental effects on patient outcomes, the ER Assistant offers a ray of hope. By combining stress-reducing techniques, vein detection technology, and advanced blood analysis, this innovative invention aims to streamline ER operations and provide enhanced patient care. As further advancements are made in medical technology, we can envision a future where emergency room wait times are significantly reduced, improving overall healthcare experiences and saving lives. It is imperative that healthcare systems invest in and embrace such innovations to ensure a more efficient and patient-centered emergency care environment.