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2019-2020 ExploraVision Awards Ceremony Update


This has been a year unlike any other for the ExploraVision program. The evolving COVID-19 pandemic has radically transformed the scholastic experience for students around the world, and we are all doing our best to navigate through these challenging times. The ExploraVision challenge is no exception.

Based on a thorough evaluation of the current landscape, the NSTA and Toshiba have decided to transition from our usual, in-person awards ceremony, in Washington, D.C., to a virtual awards ceremony for the national winning teams (including their coaches, students, and mentors) on June 5, 2020. We are determined to make this event an exciting and meaningful opportunity to recognize the national winners of this year’s competition. Additional details about the virtual ceremony will be provided in the weeks ahead.

We are deeply grateful to the coaches, parents, judges, vendors, partners, staff and, of course, the students, who collectively dedicated thousands of hours of their time, as well as their energy and passion, to make ExploraVision an amazing experience.

To stay up-to-date about the details of the virtual ExploraVision awards ceremony, follow Toshiba and the NSTA on Facebook and Twitter.

Toshiba: Facebook and Twitter

NSTA: Facebook and Twitter