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5 Ways to Engage Parents in STEM Education


As their first role models and leaders, parents are an invaluable resource to students participating in ExploraVision. Outside of school, parents will be part of their child’s support system.

For younger students, parents can provide help with researching and editing skills. For older students, parents can help share real-world context for scientific issues. No matter what age, encouraging productive habits in a child, and making sure they understand what is expected of him or her, will instill a sense of pride and inspiration.

“I work in software. Sometimes it feels like she’s teaching me more than I’m teaching her.” – The Brothers Family

“I work in software. Sometimes it feels like she’s teaching me more than I’m teaching her.” – The Brothers Family

Share these tips with team parents as their K-12 children engage in the ExploraVision STEM education process:

Be your child’s number one cheerleader

This program will challenge your child at times. Encourage your child through these brain buster moments by inspiring them to think outside the box. Past winning projects solve unique problems that aren’t always obvious.

Read the headlines

Check out the day’s current events and ask your child how he or she might build a solution to a scientific issue mentioned in the article. This will get your child into a problem-solving mindset.

Review previous winning projects together

This will help your child see what has already been created and narrow down their thought process to new specific topics.

Get organized

Make sure your child has everything they need: a quiet room to work, healthy snacks for break, and a team meeting schedule. This will encourage productivity and help you keep track of the progress he or she is making.

Encourage independence

While your child may have questions, be careful about how you answer—they should play the “detective” and search for solutions themselves, following up with you as needed.


“We want our daughter to find new ways to solve big problems.” – The Pillai Family

Watch children develop critical thinking skills and register for ExploraVision.